
Training Practice

The Oakley Health Group is a training practice, this means we host several qualified doctors who are training to be GPs. They are often called GP Registrars. We also host student nurses, paramedics and other health care professionals who spend time with us at the surgery as part of their university courses.

Training the GPs of the future is hugely important and the best way for them to learn is to take an active part in consulting with patients in a GP surgery. They are closely supervised by fully trained and accredited supervising GPs. 

We sometimes hosts Foundation Level 2 Doctors (FY2) who can provide face to face appointments. These doctors have worked for at least a year in hospitals and are working for the first time in a GP setting so they will often need to discuss consultations with their supervisors.

Once a doctor has decided to train as a GP, they enter a 3-year training programme. This is called the GP Vocational Training Scheme (GPVTS).

GPVTS year 1-2 have more experience than an FY2 and some will have a large amount of experience in other specialisms within medicine. They will see patients face to face and have telephone appointments and will need to seek advice from their supervisors at times. Part of their training is to video their consultations so these can be watched back with supervisors to provide feedback on their performance.

GPVTS year 3 usually spend a whole year in the same GP practice. By the end of the year, they will be working as a fully qualified GP. They may occasionally need to ask for advice from their supervisor. As part of their final year, they undertake a clinic examination, this is an online video consultation. To help them prepare for this they do some online video consultations with our patients.

A consultation will never be recorded without consent and a patient can say no to having a consultation recorded. If the doctor appears to be recording your consultation and you have not signed a consent form, then you should indicate this to him or her immediately. The recording will be used for educational purposes only. Further information about this process and the confidentiality of it, can be obtained from the reception staff.